Learn about our Team

Balanced Wellbeing & Trauma Recovery requires support that looks at the whole person’s physical, emotional, spiritual and social wellbeing. Each of our Team provides empathetic, compassionate, respectful and confidential assistance that is ‘Trauma Informed’ & will cater to suit each woman’s individual needs.

*Every woman who links with ‘I Am Woman’ has access to the Holistic Modalities provided by our Therapy Team at greatly discounted individual sessions.

Art Therapy and Theta Healing

Tracey Sartari - In Essence Healing

Art therapy utilises a creative process to help people explore self-expression, in doing so finding new ways to gain personal insight and develop new coping skills. It can help you to explore emotions, develop self-awareness, cope with stress, boost self-esteem, and work on social skills.

Tracey offers Art Therapy-Holistic Counselling-Theta Healing and is trained in Transpersonal Counselling, (Adv Dip), Arts Psychotherapy (Grad Dip), Holistic Counselling, Theta Healing, Reiki, Meditation, Chair Yoga, Soul Art Guide plus Homoeopathy (Dip), Community Services (Dip). She has a background of working with domestic violence, homelessness, mental health and substance abuse. She considers herself a 'fellow traveller' on a path of healing, transformation and empowerment.

Tracey provides a safe and compassionate Heartspace for you to explore your trauma. She focuses on creative recovery, self-esteem, self-love, mindfulness, masks, journaling prompts for trauma and re-writing our stories. Through art making she can assist you to express what words cannot, to give voice to your soul and create healing.

“Art is the bridge between the darkness and the light.”

Body Balance - E-Health Assessment and Treatment Plan

Lulu Langford - Edenic Health & Wellbeing

It is known that high levels of stress and anxiety correlate to high levels of acidity and inflammation. Body Balance provides an E-Health Assessment and personalised treatment plan that will help you attain a healthy pH balance, contributing to many physical and emotional benefits within your self.

Lulu has an Advanced Diploma in Homoeopathy and other modalities and was formerly a remote area nurse. She will provide a thorough ‘E-Health Assessment’, by using your health history plus taking your current medical and emotional needs into account to provide a Personalised Health Pathway Plan

You will receive guidance on congenital issues, explanations on any unclear health history and a range of recommendations suited to your needs and presenting issues (i.e., dietary protocol and what to avoid, supplements, homeopathic & herbal treatment recommendations, detox options, non-toxic healthy lifestyle advice). Modifications recommended will assist you in your goal to attain a healthy balanced wellbeing (physical and emotional), a bolstered immune system, resistance to illness and decrease symptoms of a wide range of issues. You will be provided with an extensive online form. Once returned you will hear back from Lulu within in 1 – 2 days with your Health Pathway Plan and a wide range of information to guide you to greater wellbeing in your life.

Spinal Flow and Access Consciousness (The Bars)

Carolyn Conners - Inner Lightenment

Carolyn has a 20-year history working within Community Services where she has assisted vulnerable people including disabilities, mental health, substance abuse, homelessness and domestic violence.

As a Facilitator Carolyn is very empathic and in tune with each individual clients’ requirements & believes: “All healing is self-healing, I initiate the facilitation.”

Spinal Flow Technique

Gentle relaxing touch is administered to access points and gateways that works to release layers of stressors and trapped emotions that have accumulated over time. It activates clear communication between your nervous system and brain to create a feeling of ease, less pain and renewed wellbeing.

Carolyn will provide a postural assessment prior to your first session allowing time to gather any important information. If consent is given photographs give a good gauge to the changes occurring in the body.

The Bars ® (Access Consciousness)

Consisting of 32 access points on the head where you store all of your thoughts, considerations, ideas, attitudes and beliefs that you hold as important. When you have your Bars Run, you gain clarity of what you need to hold onto and what can be released. The Bars will free up space in your head so you can enjoy being more present with “YOU”. This will allow you to feel calmer in the present moment with capacity to accept new information and opportunities.

Chair Yoga


After initially pursuing an academic career at a university in South Africa  Heidi de Villiers became increasingly interested in alternate therapy and subsequently became qualified as a Yoga, Holistic Massage, Hot Stone and Reiki (1,2 and 3) practitioner.

  As a yoga teacher Heidi endeavors  to create a safe space to assist people in maintaining not only physical mobility and strength, but to also find the means to align body, mind and soul by incorporating  a centering practice, yoga hand gestures (called 'mudras') and ancient yoga philosophy in a holistic manner.

With its low impact on bones and joints Chair Yoga becomes accessible to most people, offering reduced chronic pain, increased circulation, stability, balance,  as well as boosting mood, self-esteem and feelings of well-being through movement and breath.   

"Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens."

― Louise L Hay.